Fear the Walking Dead, an AMC post-apocalyptic series, opens with the captivating story of the Clark family, who flee their Los Angeles home when the zombie apocalypse occurs. To protect them from the city’s shocking walkers, Madison Clark and her children Nick and Alicia Clark are accompanied by the former’s fiancé Travis Manawa. As he goes to any extent to protect his loved ones, Travis solidifies his position as a series staple and a fan favourite. Of course, viewers must be curious about what actually occurs to him in the post-apocalyptic scenario. Here is what we can share, though! Spoilers follow.
Does Travis Die?
Travis does really perish. A militia group shows up at the American-Mexican border towards the end of the second season. Travis’ family is kidnapped, ostensibly for scientific research, but he is separated from Madison and Alicia. He soon finds himself in a room with Steven, Nick, and Luciana. Steven rebels against the militiamen after the guy in charge Troy Otto claims that everyone who visits the location would perish. Travis is then told by Steven that they can leave the area by using the sewer tunnels to get to the border. Travis is forced to engage a gang of walkers while Nick and Luciana flee.
Travis boards a helicopter with Jake, Luciana, Alicia, and Charlene after dispatching the walkers. As they attempt to flee, Travis is hit by bullets coming from an unidentified source that was subsequently identified as Lee. He decides to jump from the helicopter out of fear that he’ll become a walker in front of Alicia. Even though Alicia tries to stop him, she is astonished when she sees his serious injury. Travis then allows himself to free fall from the chopper, dying instantly.
Despite the fact that Travis’ brain is not deliberately damaged, he has no chance of becoming a walker because “the height from which he fell and the velocity and the violence of that is going to do enough trauma to his brain that he would die,” according to an interview with Dave Erickson, the show’s creator at the time, given to Entertainment Weekly. Travis’ passing made Cliff Curtis’ exit from the series possible. But why specifically did the actor quit the programme? Let’s go through all you should know about it.
Why Did Cliff Curtis Leave Fear the Walking Dead?
Cliff Curtis quit “Fear the Walking Dead” because the writers decided to wrap up Travis Manawa’s arc by having him die in the third season. Before the actor began working on the third season of the show, Dave Erickson informed Curtis of Travis’ passing. “Before we returned, we told Cliff. It was challenging. I detest making those calls and having those discussions, and Cliff was outstanding simply because he is Cliff. He’s really giving both as an actor and a person, and he’s just very kind and big-hearted. He also grasped that the show’s bigger structure and how it affects the plot are ultimately what matter, said Erickson to EW.
Erickson could have created various stories to keep Curtis’ Travis in the plot for a longer period of time, but he prioritised the show’s narrative by focusing on the effects Travis’ death had on his loved ones. What it came down to, and this is what it usually comes down to when a character dies, is what is the impact that death has on the surroundings? There were versions of the tale where that would have arced out across more episodes. What effect would Travis’s passing have on Madison, Alicia, and Nick, and how does that affect the plot? In the same EW interview, the showrunner at the time noted.
Around the time Curtis left “Fear the Walking Dead,” the actor also agreed to appear in four James Cameron “Avatar” films. In the widely acclaimed movie series, he portrays the role of Tonowari.
Ayushi S
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