Michael Fallon Hartford Police: Falsification of Traffic Reports

Michael Fallon Hartford Police has been embroiled in controversy due to his involvement in falsifying traffic reports.

Former Hartford police officer Michael Fallon resigned in March 2023 after admitting to falsifying 33 traffic reports over two years. 

The discrepancies were discovered during a routine audit, which found that Fallon had over-reported traffic stops and inaccurately reported the gender and race of those involved. 

Additionally, a traffic stop related to an arrest warrant was falsely reported.

Fallon’s internal affairs investigation revealed that he had purposely lied on activity reports to embellish his activities over a four-week period in late 2022 to early 2023. 

He did so because he did not want to disappoint his supervisors with limited activity. 

However, his dishonesty violated the Hartford Police Department’s strict no-tolerance policy for such conduct, and the department took swift and immediate action after substantiating the misconduct.

Fallon’s late father’s status as the former assistant chief of the Hartford Police Department adds another layer of significance to this case. 

The department has started ensuring that Fallon is decertified from being a police officer anywhere else.

Like the Connecticut State Troopers, Hartford cops are liars, too. | "between Jan. 2, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2022, Officer Michael Fallon reported 575 motor vehicle stops when he made 347 and said he issued 31 infractions more than he did." https://t.co/rvLtIiS7tV

— nobody from nowhere (@OLAASM) August 24, 2023

Investigation reveals Falsification of reports by Michael Fallon

Revelations regarding Fallon’s investigation emerged on Thursday during a Connecticut Racial Profiling Prohibition Project board meeting. 

This initiative scrutinizes traffic stop data from all state police departments. 

The Hartford police initiated an inquiry, leading to the subsequent release of the department’s investigation findings.

These findings revealed discrepancies between Officer Fallon’s reported traffic stops and the department’s record management system. 

While Fallon claimed to have conducted 575 stops, records showed only 380 stops. 

Similarly, Fallon reported issuing 281 traffic infractions, but the investigation found evidence of only 250. 

Investigators also discovered that Fallon submitted forms for 33 non-existent traffic stops, which were sent for traffic analysis. 

Additionally, allegations were made regarding Fallon’s failure to activate his body camera when required and errors in his reports.

Municipal and Regional Policy at UConn

One key institution that played a role in investigating Michael Fallon’s traffic report falsifications is the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy at UConn. 

Associate Director Ken Barone reported that the organization’s investigation concluded that Fallon had falsified at least 33 racial profiling records. 

However, Barone added that there is no concern from the project staff’s perspective that this issue is more widespread in Hartford.

Michael Fallon Hartford Police Dishonesty

Fallon’s falsification of traffic reports has affected his career and the public perception of the Hartford Police Department. 

The fact that one of its officers purposely lied on official reports can undermine citizens’ trust in the department’s ability to enforce the law and serve justice effectively.

Ivelisse Correa, Legislative Policy Director and Vice President of BLM 860, expressed disappointment in Fallon’s actions. 

She remarked that, as taxpayers, citizens should be able to trust the people they hire and pay. She hopes that others will heed the warning that Fallon’s case sends.

In a statement, Chief Jason Thody emphasized that such conduct has no place in the Hartford Police Department. 

He clarified that the department’s process worked precisely as it should, identifying discrepancies, initiating an investigation, and taking swift and suitable action when misconduct was substantiated.

Consequences for Fallon’s Actions

Michael Fallon’s falsification of traffic reports carries significant consequences for him and his former department.

 Violating the department’s policy could harm his chances of pursuing a law enforcement career. 

Additionally, the Hartford Police Department’s reputation could be negatively impacted, it could take time to regain the public’s trust.

Moving forward

Michael Fallon’s falsification of traffic reports has resulted in severe consequences for him, his late father’s legacy, and the Hartford Police Department. 

The department’s investigation uncovered a clear violation of its strict zero-tolerance policy for such misconduct. 

Fallon’s case also underscores the crucial role of public trust in law enforcement in effectively preventing and addressing crime. 

To demonstrate its dedication to justice and transparency, the department has taken significant measures by cutting ties with Fallon and seeking to prevent his future employment as a police officer.
