As a Gemini, I've been a victim of astrological slander my whole life. The Internet would have you believe we're the two-faced liars, cheaters, and flakes of the zodiac. I'm here to tell you that we don't deserve all the astrological shade thrown our way.
Like any sign, Gemini has characteristics that are less than ideal — but it seems like people tend to exaggerate our qualities. So let's myth-bust a few common stereotypes, shall we?
Keep reading to learn a few reasons why people hate Geminis as well as what's really true about the Twins — straight from an astrologer.
Reasons Why People Hate Geminis
We Seem Like Gossips
Sure, Geminis love to chat about new tea circulating our social circle … but who doesn't?! Contrary to the memes you see on Instagram, Geminis are far from the only sign who loves hearing hot gossip. (Looking at you, Libra!) Frankly, we are quite aware that we are talkative. The truth is that everyone loves our chatty nature. Without us and the great stories we tell, life would be boring!
We Come Off as Bad Listeners
Are we bad listeners? Ok, yes, we are. You got me there. We do like to talk but aren't great at hearing what others are saying. However, we can't help it because we are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. (Gemini is responsible for travel, technology, communication, news, and information!) We are very vocal and can monologue at times rather than ask others about their lives. Personally, I'm working on that.
We're Misinterpreted as Two-Faced
Believe it or not, there is a mythological explanation for this. In Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux were identical twins — except that Castor was the mortal son of King Tynfarus, and Pollux was the immortal son of Zeus. (Fun fact: Gemini is Latin for "twins.")
When Castor was killed in battle during the Trojan War because Pollux's attention accidentally drifted away from defending him, Pollux was consumed with grief and guilt and begged his father Zeus to immortalize Castor to reside in the heavens throughout time with him. Zeus allowed them to split their time between the heavens and the Underworld.
In other words, people are scared of the twin star because they can live in different realms. How can one trust a person who can laugh with the sinners and cry with the saints? However, the ability to transcend between worlds is a gift. It allows Gemini the ability to see and comprehend different perspectives on matters, urging the dualistic sign to always have an open mind.
So, despite the reputation for being flighty or two-faced, it comes down to being dualistic: We Geminis are hard to pin down because we literally are two people rolled up into one. Think of it like this: With a Gemini in your circle, you can double your pleasure by having two friends in one person!
Why Gemini Hate Is Unfounded
The real reason Geminis are the most susceptible to having shade thrown at us is that we don't care what people say. Typically, by the time we focus on the actual reason we are upset, we have emotionally moved on to another drama. We tend to move on from matters faster than most, as our minds work at an accelerated pace.
At the end of the day, despite what the memes about Geminis may say, this mutable air sign brings a ton to the table: We're curious, expressive, quick-witted, outgoing, charming, and adaptable. Bottom line: Don't hate, appreciate us!
However, if you can't do that, at least remember that we're all works in progress. We all possess amazing and not-so-great qualities, so none of us are immune to criticism.
The Bottom Line
As a Gemini and astrologer, I have to be real. Anyone can lie, cheat, steal, and be flaky. I've seen charts and encountered Leos (a zodiac sign known for their honesty), who've been some of the shadiest and most manipulative people I've ever met.
Plus, in my experience, emotional, homebody Cancers are more likely than social Geminis to flake out on plans due to their mood swings. Let's not judge one another too harshly — especially not before we know each other's positive qualities.